Oh well, it seems like it happened ages ago...sorry for my disappearance, but been so busy in my 'real' life in the aim of collecting materials to write about that the actual writing fell a bit behind.
So now I really have some catching up to do, let's get cracking.
As promised now I would like to reflect upon certain activities small communities can do to make a difference and improve their sustainable living.
Architect Fritz Haeg began this project in 2005 as a scheme to replace American front lawns with edible landscapes. He has adapted this approach for Global cities, just like London.
And what can you do inside your home? Check these out:
Living air purifiers
Or you can grown your own greenhouse:
Or if you fancy a little bit of DIY, you do not have to go to IKEA :)
That's it for today.
Next time: my Garden Party to Make a Difference experience! Watch this space.